
eNaira speed wallet app is back on Google play store

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The eNaira speed wallet is back on the Google Play Store after disappearing for hours.

Nairametrics reported yesterday that the newly launched eNaira speed wallet was missing. Sources confirmed to Nairametrics that the sudden disappearance was due to necessary updates.

This means that millions of Nigerians who use android phones can now access the eNaira speed wallet for download and subsequent use.

What they are saying

Ihejirika Destiny (Dlexeffect), YouTube Tech Reviewer & Product Designer working closely in the Nigeria financial sector told Nairametics that sometimes Google may decide to remove an app if it violates its policy, amongst several reasons.

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“Your app can be taken out of the Play Store if users report that the app is violating their privacy or maybe some malicious programs were found on the app,” Destiny said.

Generally, apps have to work in line with Google Play Store’s policy. The developers can also pull the app from Play Store to update it as well.

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Although there was some displeasure on social media about the sudden disappearance of the eNaira app, the general sentiment is of excitement over the success of Africa first central bank digital currency.

What you should know

  • The apex bank yesterday drew the attention of the public to criminal and unlawful acts by some persons, as well as a phoney Twitter handle, @enaira_cbdc, purported to belong to the Bank.
  • The Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) has warned users that it will not be held liable for any loss, whether arising from, or in connection with the use of the eNaira website.
  • Nairametrics reported that massive interest in the Central Bank’s eNaira initiative was shown with the download of over 200,000 wallets in 24 hours.
  • President Muhammadu Buhari has said that eNaira would make the financial sector more efficient and help tackle the illicit flow of funds.
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